Finding you the
right protection

Clear & Precise Advice

With over 50 years combined experience in financial services, Anthony Somefun is able to deal with your personal and corporate insurance matters by providing solutions that maximise the benefit to the client while remaining within the parameters of the clients overall financial objectives and budget.

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Core Covers

Professional Indemnity

Professional indemnity insurance offers businesses and professionals protection against compensation that is owed to a client. For example, if you have been found to have given bad advice or breached confidence with a client and you have had to pay them damages or compensation as a result, professional indemnity insurance can help recover losses from the claim, reducing the financial impact you experience.

It can also be used to cover legal costs and expenses incurred in your defence.

Public Liability

Public liability insurance is available for businesses who want to build in protection against third party claims. There are a range of covers to suit the needs of your business, so whether it’s a customer, employee, member of the public or other third party making the claim you can have enough cover to pay for compensation pay-outs and legal defence costs.

Life Cover, Critical Illness & Income Protection

Life insurance is designed to protect your loved ones if you pass away. The pay-out from a life insurance can help your family pay off a loan or debt, cover the cost of a funeral, or simply help them support themselves and cover their living costs when you’re gone. Life insurance works by paying out a lump sum to your loved ones if the policyholder passes away during the policy’s term. This protection will stay in place until an agreed end date as long as you keep up with your monthly payments

Income protection refers to a family of insurance products which ensure you can continue to meet your financial commitments if you are forced to take an extended break from work. If you can’t work because you’ve had an accident, fallen sick, or lost your job through no fault of your own, income protection insurance pays you an agreed portion of your salary each month. You can then use the money to cover debt repayment, bills and other costs.

Income protection only covers events beyond your control: you’re much less likely to be covered if you’re fired from your job or if you injure yourself deliberately.

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